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February 03, 2009


John Dower

Blimey - cheer up mate, you sound so depressed after your visit to Utah. Maybe I'm suffering from the naivety of being a Sundance virgin but I thought it was a fucking great festival.

I had a film there (Thriller in Manila) and every screening was virtually sold-out, and we had electric Q & A's. Our Salt Lake City Screening was on the first Saturday night. Myself, one of the exec producers, and the editor went down expecting a threadbare audience (they'll all be at X-Men 3 won't they?) ... and it was packed. There followed the most rousing, intelligent Q & A I've ever had on a film. I've been to several festivals and interest in your film normally fizzles out after the first screening. Quite the opposite here.

Yes we had already been bought by HBO but I 'aint gonna feel bad about that. In fact I feel incredibly honored. And is there really that big a difference in being bought just before the festival to just after it? It didn't seem to matter to our audiences.

I saw some rubbish films, some mediocre films and some great ones, as well as meeting some lovely folk and going to a couple of great parties - what more do you want from a festival? And our competition was won by an extraordinary film, Rough Aunties.

So there haven't been many deals. Well we are in the midst of a dreadful recession (and it isn't a filmmakers right to be bought). I think this is a great blog but you have spent the last few weeks forensically detailing all the fantastic docs of the last year. Maybe you have just been jaded by 'the greatness'. Give the new crop a chance.


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