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December 16, 2008



Great interview, AJ! Not having the luxury of access to festivals or nearby theaters that would show a film like "Man On Wire", I didn't get see it until last week when it became available on Netflix. It was worth the wait. I posted about it on my blog and encouraged everyone to see it.


Thank you for all of these interviews. It is heartening to hear that even the most accomplished documentary filmmakers experience tremendous doubt about their work. Man on Wire was one of my favorite films of the year. It demonstrated that documentary film can be successful as craft and story, not just as a means to promoting a certain agenda. Here's my glowing review of the film http://eidolonfilms.wordpress.com/2008/08/19/review-man-on-wire/

pierre leclerc

hi james this is pierre,i've been trying to get in touch with philippe petit, about something very important,i can't contact him anywhere.please pass this message to him,he wants to walk across the grand canyon he said. i know that robby kneivel the motorcyclr daredevil owns a portion of the grand canyon at a narrow point,he needs to contact robby kneivel to ask his permission to use his land,please pass the word to him thanx [email protected]

Theresa Boyeson

Hello James,

Congratulations on this exciting Academy Award for Man On Wire! I know how hard you have worked and am so glad you are receiving the acclaim you deserve! Seeing you on the Awards brought me to tears! All the best to you and Ana and your daughters.

Theresa Boyeson
Wisconsin Casting - Wisconsin Death Trip

ted in pdx

Thank you James (and Phillipe, and the unsung hero of the story, Jean-Louis). I'm constantly seeking out documentaries which are also films, but I missed this one entirely (until my barber recommended it to me). I watched it end to end three times within the first 24-hours. It could also have been called: "Two Miracles in Two Towers" (but fortunately, was not).

In addition to all the immediately obvious originalities of the film, the epic story, and of course the heroically human cast of characters, what struck me most was the profound connection it made to 9/11. Without even the slightest innuendo, the scenes of the steel girders and frameworks being raised into place, transported me inside those final moments more than any newsreel of the carnage I saw after it happened, decades later.

And to Phillipe, having now witnessed what you did (I was 22 years old at the time, and barely remember reading about it then), I believe you conferred upon those two buildings a blessing that remains standing, invisibly, in the space you traversed, and they once occupied. I have witnessed three transcendent things in my 56 years: The Apollo 8 Christmas Eve broadcast from the Moon in 1968, the election of President Obama, and now, through this great film, your consecration of the human imagination, upon which all our accomplishments, no matter how massive or complex, inevitably depend.


Hey, I really enjoyed this interview. Informative and informal. James sounds more relatable, just like any artist talking about life and reflecting on the highs and low of the movie world. Whats come and been, the next project on the stove and the other one in their head. It was refreshing to actually get someones real opinion and not just endorsed commercial chatter which makes me want to throw up. Thank you I appreciate it!

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