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August 30, 2011


Carrie Brody

Hot Ballroom absolutely has to be on that list. Easily there are a few one could take off and replace with this doc. One of the best docs without question.


One thing you should consider. What docs do Current TV actually have rights to show. Somehow I can't imagine HBO giving them the rights to "When The Levees Broke", as good as documentary as it is. As a "still-finding-its-identity" network, they're probably quite limited in their resources and are forced to do what they can with what they have. That also goes to explain why "Countdown" doesn't have quite the same KICK it had on MSNBC, despite Olbermann's formidable commentary.


Really good post, thanks for writing this. Just fyi, it's spelled "ambivalent."


while i think there are some "before you die" docs on the 50 list, i agree it is fairly dull and expected (though that, too, was expected, right?) i also don't have a problem with it being set-up with that late-80s border - that kinda makes sense to me. i'm curious about who actually watched the shows and their relationships to docs.

that said, i'd love to see what you (and yours) might come up with as an alternative 50 list (preferably sticking to the late 80s starting point)

(and i'm w/o cable, so didn't catch any of the shows. curious to see how it played out, what was revealed about process, etc.)


Hmmm, sort of plays as a list of the most talked about/hyped docs of the last 20 years as opposed to the "best." But honestly, that's probably what they were going for, in the same way that Vh1s countdown shows are mostly about perception/stereotype. Ross McElwee's absence is a perfect example.

Diana Rice

Documentary Channel on Dish and Direct have a Best of Doc - 31 films chosen by their staff every December. Here is last year's link: http://www.documentarychannel.com/article.php?currID=9171

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