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January 23, 2010


Amanda O

I was lucky enough to be at the Sundance premiere. It was a fabulous treat to witness the unfolding of not only a crazy modern tale but also the great grace of these young artists.


Check out the trailer for Catfish, the Sundance hit documentary, is poised to be the most controversial film of 2010 because it exposes the grim reality of our modern world. http://bit.ly/anE6RZ


Without having watched it yet Jazz I agree. I think Catfish is going to make people think twice about online dating and who and what info they share with people they hardly know. It can happen to anyone really... http://bit.ly/b4vCGa

Jimmy Doyle

I was fortunate enough to be able to watch Catfish last night and I thought it was a wonderful film that captured how social networking can promise so much yet deliver so little. This type of thing can happen as evidenced by Nev's journey to uncover the truth about his "Facebook Family" - a truth while a tad unsettling, becomes poignant in an end of movie analogy. Great film.

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