« The Top 25 Film Festivals for Documentaries, 2nd Edition - 9 More International Fests That Matter | Main | The Top 25 Film Festivals for Documentaries, 2nd Edition - 6 That Would've Made the List If Only They... »

December 16, 2009


A Facebook User

Programming is slowly becoming a popularity contest that no longer serves art, but some undefined agenda. Isn't the whole purpose of a festival to bring the undiscovered--films like "October Country"--to the surface for the audience? Instead, we celebrate, well, celebrity. Or worse, we judge films for their activist intentions rather than for their artistic strengths. Why don't we acknowledge films like "October Country" the same way we see "Ballast", "Old Joy" and other distinctly fresh films?

If "Salesman"--a film about "ordinary" bible salesmen--was sent to Sundance 2010, would it make the cut?

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