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November 18, 2009


Suzanne P.

I can’t believe CRUDE was snubbed…Why does Berlinger always get ignored by the Academy? “Brother’s Keeper” has inspired many young filmmakers; Paradise Lost launched an international movement to free the West Memphis Three and Metallica: Some Kind of Monster is considered one of the great rock and roll films of all time. And CRUDE is one of the best reviewed films of the year…what gives?


I think this is a good list of 15 films.I like that you share this list.Its interesting for me to read this post about certain surprises which you have written.Thank you..


The Way We Get By should have been nominated!


Berlinger's considered a TV director by the Academy, and they won't consider his films as anything but sidelines. Also, the Academy likes films that look polished, ala feature films. Anvil was too joky, Capitalism too rough (and too much the same), Davis G.'s already won, etc.

The Cove is perfect. It's socially responsible, looks great, and is suitably exotic.


I'm not a big fan of neither "The Cove" nor "Food Inc.", the first lost me on excessive information and too many forced connections, basically when I saw the horrible massacrer I was desensitized. "Food Inc." is terribly didactic and formal.
Tow of the best docs of the year are not in the list "The September Issue" and "The Way We Get By", both a very good example of good cinematic storytelling.
Too bad!


My money is on THE COVE - especially with the Hollywood tie-in...FLIPPER, all the people at Industrial Light and Magic...and it's incredibly dramatic arcs for a broad audience. Plus that many audience awards tells you something...and not to mention that South Park loosely covered that film (amongst the reality shows of this subject as well).

Personally, I agree that DEFAMATION should've had a nod (not sure the ADL would agree, but who cares), as with THE SEPTEMBER ISSUE which was superb. ANVIL... would've been tremendous!!!!

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