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October 06, 2009



Preach it Reverend


Well, I braved the eight-seater down from Maine to Boston and it was spectacular! And I wholeheartedly concur with it all. Splendid effort and will only get better in years to come. So glad I stayed until the last bloody moment--and even then I didn't want to go.


It's so great to see Ben and Leah and the whole staff at Camden get the recognition they deserve. Camden really is a festival on the rise... and it's in Maine!! Even better.

George Kachadorian

it's all true-- what a fantastic festival... and what a top drawer group of people!

Leah Hurley

Thanks for all the love - the feeling is mutual. We are thrilled to be a part of helping to bring non-fiction film into the spotlight it so deserves. Come back soon we don't know what to do with all this beer without you! -Leah

Jade Southard

This is was hands down a real place to be for me, from the aspirations that I have in me to be creating my own films, to extremely real people just making for an experience that was something I could grow and the people involved could connect with, with each other and through this festival which overall is just so much a real deal. I signed up to volunteer for this festival and upon being involved and around the energy of the staff and people involved I felt like part of the whole thing from the beginning because we all cared and made for something wonderful :D Big kudos to all you guys you were awesome. And i look forward to being involved in this the following years and keeping contact through the growth and discovering of the films that will light the stage and the audience of the future year. thanks to everyone for making this happen - ^____^

Mercurial Film Lover

AJ looking miserable at Woodstock 'secret' party.

Nikki Goldbeck

Re AJ looking miserable at Woodstock "secret party"... that's a pretty handsome smile for miserable, and what secret party?? The invitation was in your registration packet.


Thanks for everyone who came to the festival this year and making the people of maine feel truly validated in their love of film. If anyone gets the chance please comment on this short i did about some Colby college kids getting attacked by campus sercurity.


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