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November 17, 2008



First off, I want to say how blown away I was when I saw "At The Death House Door" at Southby. It was the first time I've happily stood up to give the filmmakers a standing ovation, and of the seven films on this list that I've seen, I think it is easily the best. That said, I agreed with you last year that the films made for TV shouldn't have been included on the shortlist. Is it hypocritical to look the other way on this one simply because Steve James directed it?

Thom Powers

Let's give credit to Andrea Meditch from Discovery Films who was the exec producer for both ENCOUNTERS AT THE END OF THE WORLD and MAN ON WIRE. It's a shame that Discovery folded that division in this year of their greatest success.

James McNally

Thanks, AJ, for breaking down the rules for us, and providing such in-depth coverage of the contenders. I am curious why Up the Yangtze wasn't eligible, though.


Thanks for the shout-out. But, really, history books will only remember the final five. Go Steve & Peter! Go Jeremiah! Go Daniel!

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