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October 14, 2008



As a graduate of the U. of I. I am embarrassed and ashamed he is on our faculty. He belongs in jail. You, sir, deserve to be depressed, although perhaps not for the reasons you suggest.

Pittsburgh George

10/23/08 William Ayers on Fox news wearing a shirt with a giant RED STAR on the front.You will eventually see Barrack Hussein Obama wearing one.Being Godless Obama must love the moslem distraction.


It is a sad day when you hollywood director's want us to look up to an unrepented terrorist and say he's a disguished professor. Keep feeding the american public more of your bullshit. The man should've been put in jail and things he says now he probably should still be there. Just keep it hush hush so we don't know what you liberals really mean!!! The smart ones can sift through your bull, jackass.


It is a sad day when you hollywood director's want us to look up to an unrepented terrorist and say he's a disguished professor. Keep feeding the american public more of your bullshit. The man should've been put in jail and things he says now he probably should still be there. Just keep it hush hush so we don't know what you liberals really mean!!! The smart ones can sift through your bull, jackass.

Fred R

Since Ayers dedicated a book years ago to, among many others, the murderer of Bobby Kennedy and Ayers has not renounced his dedication, what is going on with the Left that it reveres Ayers to this day?

The bombs and words of his past are enough for the rest of us to find him beyond the pale.

Even secular redemption requires contrition and a request for forgiveness.
Fred R, libertarian


The thought that Mr Ayers was not fired, but offered a bodyguard by the U of I, makes a mockery of that school. Though I did not graduate from Illinois I sympathize with Norma. That school is tainted with his violence and provocation for more.


He makes light of his connections to Obama, but as time has proved, they worked together in many organizations, many Annenberg sponsored. Ayers also thinks it's strange that he is considered a terrorist, but he fails to point out that he was released on a legal technicality...not because he didn't do exactly what he was accused of doing. The picture of him wiping his feet on an American flag is enough in my mind to render him terrorist driven.

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