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July 21, 2008



So that's where AJ's been hanging out; I was wondering where you were while all these big changes are happening in the doc world (and by all these big changes I mean the SnagFilms activities). Welcome back, good luck to you & David & everyone else involved in the new movie.

- Sujewa


Is that one of the mythical pancakes served at the clubhouse of your now legendary (because I spent the night there) condominium?


At the very least, that must be the 20th century's second best-selling pancake.


It would be doubly sweet if you could find a way to include Lambert's Cafe.

AJ Schnack

Yes indeed Alison, it is also the largest privately owned pancake in the US. And I think that instead of featuring Lambert's Cafe, we will just throw rolls in the theater.

Branson Missouri

Hope you guys are going to the debates in Branson tonight!


Missouri represent! (Gosh that sounds sadder than I ever thought...)Looking forward to seeing this finished product.

Bruce Marler

Tubing on Table Rock Lake is a blast, went last year and was in pain for days from the abuse the water gave:) Cool vids.

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