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February 29, 2008


Jim Bedford

Thanks for the nice comments about Telluride FF but I want to clarify that any film that has not played anywhere in the US is eligible to enter the TFF. Our program IS NOT by invitation only and is open to all who qualify.

Jim Bedford
Director of Operations

Gail Silva

Just wanted to add a note about San Francisco International. Beginning about three years ago, the festival began a campaign to increase prize money for competition films (Golden Gate Awards) and in 2009 offers some $60,000 for docs as follows: Doc fest winner, $20,000; investigative doc award, $25,000; and top Bay Area doc, $15,000. Money is also nice recognition!

Ramona Diaz

With Rachel Rosen back in San Francisco, I think SFIFF will become a key player in the next few years.

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