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October 10, 2007



AJ, I realize there are larger issues still at stake, as your post states, but what do you think of the hi-res digital requirement that I think still exists? I describe some objections on my blog --http://blogs.indiewire.com/anthony/archives/014845.html -- and in the Filmmaker Mag article.



AJ Schnack

Personally, I think that the requirement for digital projection is antiquated, however, I do agree that there must be some standard in place. I would certainly think that whatever the Film Forum, the IFC Center, the Quad or the Cinema Village do in the least of their theatres should be enough for the Academy.

The larger issue for me remains that I think it should be part of an actual theatrical and not an undercover, tell-no-one qualifying run. That's why I think filmmakers in LA and NYC should have to make their films available for review. Thom Powers disagrees (and I'm sure others do as well) but I still think your Academy qualifying and your theatrical run should be part of the same release.

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