Now, I'm sure Jeffrey Wells is a nice guy (or not, never met him), but I really wish he'd just stop writing about nonfiction. This isn't the first time I've said this (see my comments after he dismissed Manda Bala at Sundance) and it may not be the last.
His latest flight of fancy? A post from yesterday about a doc at LAFF that has Oscar in its future. Billy the Kid? Nope. Constantine's Sword? Wrong again.
No, apparently, heading straight for this year's crop of five Oscar nominees is the British-made music documentary, Young@Heart. Says Wells:
I can't write about this until tomorrow, but the hype has turned out to be absolutely true -- Stephen Walker's Young@Heart is the reigning heart movie of the LA. Film Festival (and in both senses of the term, delivering both warmth and sadness) and will be a guaranteed winner when it goes out commercially.
And sooner or later, trust me, it will do that. If it comes out later this year, it's almost guaranteed to end up as one of the five nominees for Best Feature Documentary. I'm serious.
Almost guaranteed. I'm serious. And you can take that to the bank.
'Cept, wait a second. What's this? The Channel 4/More 4 doc aired in the UK in 2006? Not eligible, you say? TV disqualification what? Rules huh?
We now return you to your regular blog reading.
Heh heh heh!
Posted by: Withnail | June 30, 2007 at 09:16 AM