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January 02, 2007


Doug Block

This is very helpful, AJ. Off the top of my head, two ommissions pop out: Slamdance in January, Thessaloniki in March.

AJ Schnack

Updated with Thessaloniki. Thanks Doug!


anyone know about the Emerging Talent festival, such as submission details / deadlines / etc.... couldnt find it on their webiste -- thx

AJ Schnack

I believe that for the first year, Emerging Talent is not accepting entries, but is instead relying on recommendations. However, I think if you contact them, particularly if you've screened at other festivals or have some kind of a track record, they would take a look at your film. That's just a guess, but I'd think it's not far from the truth.

Richard France

"Me and Orson Welles"

This is all new to me, so any information on how best to expose these bastards for their wholesale plundering of my books about Orson Welles would be appreciated.

Unfortunately, our copyright laws makes such plundering not only possible but inevitable. So, while they may be able to get away with it in a court of "law," I would at least like to see these people brought before the court of public opinion.

many thanks, R. F.

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