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June 20, 2006


Chuck Tryon

Jesus Camp was impressive, as were Mr. Smith and Black Sun. I'm hoping I get a chance to see Darryl Hunt because it sounds like an important film. I had a prior commitment, so I couldn't see it at Silverdocs.

AJ Schnack

The thing about Darryl Hunt that is interesting to me is that it makes sense why it wins these Audience Awards - you are so engrossed in Darryl's story that you really want it to have some kind of happy ending. But I hope that the quality of filmmaking skill is not lost. I don't want this to be one of those movies where people look at it and say - well, yeah, it's a compelling story, anybody could have made that interesting. Annie & Ricki have a deft ability to walk the viewer through the various ups and downs and other suspects.

Chuck Tryon

I think those stories are much harder to make than many critics realize. Even when the narrative is that compelling, it takes a skilled filmaker to really make ths story resonate. Really looking forward to seeing it now.

Agnes Varnum

I don't think you have to worry about people not recognizing the filmmaking skill. I was at the NY HBO screening and again at their Newport screenings (did you see the pics of me with Darryl?!), and comments abound about how wonderfully crafted it is.

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