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October 21, 2005


Michael C.

AJ - Thanks so much for the very kind words about me and Chlotrudis, and especially the great comments about the Brattle Theatre, and Boston's indie film community in general. I've always been proud of Boston and the indie film scene here, and if the Brattle should ever close, I just feel a huge hole would emerge where some truly unique and truly independent films are currently screened.

I encourage anyone who reads this, loves independent film, or has any connections with the Brattle of Cambridge, to spread the word about the Brattle's ambitious campaign to preserve their legacy. You can find out more about the Brattle's efforts at their website (http://www.brattlefilm.org), or at the Chlotrudis site, which you have graciously linked to.

Love your blog... you've got such great insights on so many topics. And thanks again for the support!

AJ Schnack

Thanks Michael. I have a warm spot in my heart for Chlotrudis and the indie film community in Boston.

I think it bears further mention that each of the three venues Gigantic played in Boston (the MFA, the Coolidge and the Brattle), was/is independent. While we played in Landmark Theatres in other cities, we had our greatest success in Boston, in these independent venues.

Clearly it is important to filmmakers and patrons that venues like the Brattle continue to flourish, just as it is that groups like Chlotrudis, which celebrate indie film separate of, say, the local film fest organizers.

I hope that folks in Boston realize their good fortune on both counts and move to get organized and involved on the Brattle's behalf.

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